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Youth Committee

Note the Youth Committee has not been active since the start of COVID-19 and is currently not active. 

The Youth Committee is a non-party political organisation working on behalf of the young people of Congleton, it is not a formal committee of the Council, but is designed to mirror as closely as possible the workings of the formal committees and gives young people an insight into the world of local government.

Congleton Town Council Youth Committee was formed in July 2008 and gives young people in Congleton a great opportunity to link directly with the Town Council and make sure that their voices are heard. There is space for up to 12 young people to serve at anyone time. In recent years most young people who have expressed an interest have been co-opted onto the group, but the rules allow for an election if there are more people wishing to join than spaces available!  The aim is to have a selection of young people aged 11- 20 split across the Congleton schools and main youth organisations. To be selected you need to live in Congleton or attend either Eaton Bank or Congleton High School. To view a copy of the Youth Committee Constitution click here.

