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On this Consultation page you can find links to Cheshire East Council and other local group consultations that are currently open which will have an impact on Congleton.

You can also view the responses given by Congleton Town Council to various consultations.

The page was added in 2021 and does not include consultation responses before that date.

Cheshire East Council Consultations

Use this link to find out about current consultations underway at Cheshire East Council.

Review of Supported Local Bus Services

The last bus service review was undertaken in 2017 and much has changed in that time. This review looks for opportunities to encourage more bus use and get more services operating commercially, tweak services to improve performance and passenger uptake and get better value out of what Cheshire East Council is spending.

This consultation asks some questions about your current use of bus services, the role of buses in Cheshire East and will gather your views on a range of specific proposals. Views are being sought from both current users of bus services as well as from those who don’t currently use the services. 

Review of Supported Local Bus Services Please respond by Wednesday 3 July 2024. 

On-going consultations

Countryside parks and rangers service

If you have recently attended one of the Ranger Service events or visited one of the sites we manage, we really want to hear from you. Please help us to improve our sites and events by completing our two surveys.


Search for individual planning applications to make your comments.


Consult on license applications for sale of alcohol, entertainment, gambling premises and street trading and others.

Public notices

Give notice of consultations or information relating to changes.

Congleton Town Council Consultation Responses

Supporting Documents