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One You Cheshire East

One You Cheshire East supports people to change their behaviour and lifestyle to improve their health.

The service has been commissioned by Cheshire East Council. It provides an integrated and easy-to-access option for residents to address a range of lifestyle issues. One You Cheshire East supports adults to achieve lifestyle behaviour change to improve health. Its key interventions are smoking cessation, weight management and increasing physical activity.

Usually our interventions are delivered in a range of community venues however, due to COVID-19 all interactions are digital; telephone consultations, Facebook sessions, YouTube channel. But, we are hoping to resume some face to face activities in the coming months.

Be Smoke Free
All activity is led by our qualified Health Coaches and is developed in compliance with the NCSCT Framework. Support consists of a mix of behavioural change techniques and pharmacotherapy – Nicotine Replacement Therapy (6 weeks voucher scheme) and Champix (prescription only medication). It has been identified that quitting smoking with support gives smokers 4 times more chance to stop successfully.

Adult Weight Management
Patients have free access to two face-to-face 13 week weight management programmes, including Slimming World’s successful product. Making small and simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking can really help you lose the pounds. It can also lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. Patients are encouraged to gradually change their behaviours around nutrition and activity, understand and address why they eat what they eat and tackle their barriers to being regularly active. Targeted behaviours include: Choosing healthier snacks; making time for regular meals; practicing portion control; lowering added sugars; and getting five-a-day.

Family Weight Management
We also have support for overweight children and their families. Our service helps you and your children get active, improve eating habits and behaviours. We offer free one-to-one workshops with a Health Coach and access to an exercise session every week. Our support is personalised to their age and needs and includes advice and guidance for parents and guardians. With our help you and your children will become fitter, healthier and happier.

Move More (Physical Activity)
We encourage people to become more physically active, regardless of their current lifestyle or physical condition. Our 12 week physical activity programme reduces sedentary behaviour and helps people move more to improve their fitness and health. A Health Coach then helps participants to identify realistic and sustainable ways of introducing more physical activity into their lifestyles. This may include simple changes to their everyday activity levels or joining exercise classes (including walking groups and basic strength training).

  • The NHS suggest that adults should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week.
  • Physical activity helps reduce the risk of developing conditions such as coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, stroke, certain cancers, musculoskeletal conditions and mental health issues, sleep pattern and relieve stress.

Stand Strong (Falls Prevention)
This is our support for older people at risk or fearful of falling. Our programme improves their strength, balance and mobility. We know how important it is to remain mobile and independent. It is an evidence-based 26 week programme. Each patient undergoes screening to confirm suitability, using analysis of strength and balance. Exercises are tailored to individual needs and abilities. Falls are serious at any age, but breaking a bone after a fall becomes more likely as we get older.

Healthy Baby and You (Maternal Health)
Support for expecting or new mothers with three key areas of health intervention: physical activity, smoking cessation and weight management (only for new mothers). We start by providing a one hour appointment with a Health Coach to assess the mother’s health and provide brief lifestyle advice before they are booked onto one of three relevant services.

A Change for the Better
This a taster session to encourage and support the audience to think broadly about their lifestyle choices for example: nutrition, physical activities, smoking and alcohol consumption. We will provide basic information about behaviour change in an informative way. We hope to plant a seed to inspire people to think about how their everyday choices can impact on their health and wellbeing. For now,  group sessions will be delivered virtually with a view to delivering them face to face in a near future.

To self-refer or to be referred by a health professional:

Call: 0808 164 3202

Email: a completed Referral Form to one.you.cheshireeast@nhs.net

Register: on our website: https://try.oneyoucheshireeast.org/sign-up/