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Could you be Congleton’s Ale Taster?

If you have a passion for pubs, pints and people, Congleton Town Council would love to hear from you. The Council are on the search for a local townsperson to become Congleton’s next Ale Taster. The post has been created as part of a year-long celebration to mark the 750th anniversary of Congleton gaining its first Charter and becoming a Market Town.

The charter granted by Henry de Lacey in 1272 mentions the appointment of an Ale Taster. The role dates back to Medieval Times. Centuries ago every town and city district had its own ale “conner”, as the taster was known, who was considered an important health and safety check on alcohol being sold in the area. Back to present times, the role of Ale Taster has been created as a fun and fitting post to add to the medieval celebrations.

The successful candidate will be required to attend the numerous events surrounding Congleton’s 750th celebration. This will include the Medieval Festival in Congleton Park on Saturday 13 August and the Medieval Banquet on Friday 30 September at the Town Hall.

Jackie MacArthur from Congleton Town Council said: “We would like our Ale taster to be passionate about ale and we welcome their ideas on how they would use the role to be an ambassador for Congleton’s brewing activities and our many excellent ale houses. Their ability to be able enter into the spirit of the events and engage with the public is the most important part of the role.”

“Applicants from all backgrounds and levels of ale experience are encouraged to apply! And don’t forget women can be Ale Tasters too! We stress that the role is unpaid and voluntary and doesn’t hold any official status or power, but should be a fun experience! An outfit will be provided to ensure the Ale Taster is resplendent in Medieval finery.”

Ale enthusiasts who wish to be considered for the role should fill in the application form. See www.congleton750.org or email: info@congleton-tc.gov.uk. A shortlist of contenders will then be invited to give a one-minute speech on why they should be given the job. The successful candidate will be unveiled at real ale event in one of the town’s brew houses.

The Town Council is working with Congleton Community Projects developing on exciting calendar of events and activities throughout the year so that everyone living and working in Congleton can be part of the anniversary celebrations. The event listing and regular updates can be viewed online at: www.congleton750.org