Learn Congleton defibrillators

What we do

Congleton Town Council was created in 1980 to represent the people of Congleton town. 22 Councillors, representing five wards, are elected every four years (next election May 2027) to serve on the Council.

The Town Council has owned and managed the Town Hall since 2008. This magnificent building is licensed for Weddings and is a popular venue for social and business functions.

From January 2014 the Town Council took over responsibility for the Streetscape Services in Congleton and the five surrounding parishes. 14 people are employed in delivering these services which includes looking after the 14 play areas in and around Congleton, emptying more than 160 public bins and dog bins, litter picking, maintaining and planting the public open spaces including Congleton Park and the roundabouts and cleaning the public toilets in the Park and Market Street.

In the summer months the Town Council runs the popular Congleton Padding Pool found in Park Street. This is open 7 days a week from 10am – 6pm from the end of May until September. The Town Council also plays a central role in helping Congleton in Bloom.

Sustainable & Environmental Objectives within Streetscape & In Bloom

The Town Council is consulted on planning applications affecting the town and gives its views to Cheshire East Council who are responsible for approving or refusing applications. The Town Council also makes representations to Cheshire East Borough Council on concerns about Waste, Rights of Way and Licensing.

We have previously had problems with parking on grass verges, if you are affected by this you can get more information on what to do by clicking here.

The Town Council is the accountable body for Congleton Partnership and helps support many of the key community events for the town.

The Town Council have a Grants budget, from which there is an amount available for community applications.  For information about applying for a grant click here.

Congleton Town Council is based in the Town Hall, High Street, Congleton CW12 1BN and is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.