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Congleton Neighbourhood Plan

Agenda- Congleton Neighbourhood Plan Exploratory Meeting

Examiner Exploratory meeting Congleton NP 260319

Examiner Exploratory meeting Congleton NP 180419

Congleton started the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan in Deccember 2014.  Congleton is not unique in creating a Neighbourhood Plan – there are hundreds of towns doing the same. But the plan that we create together for Congleton will be unique. Neighbourhood Plans cannot be bought off a shelf – it is a shared vision for Congleton and its development from now until 2030. Far more details about the development of the Congleton Neighbourhood Plan can be seen at mycongleton

Parish and settlement zonev2


The Congleton Neighbourhood Plan is currently with the Examiner.

We have received the first round of questions from the  Examiners  Our response took the form of 

  1. Answers to the questions 
  2. Updated Housing Data 
  3. Clarified Wording Document
  4. Consolidated Evidence Document 
  5. New Policies and Plans Map (one and two)  
  6. Plus additional maps and schedules which can be found in the Evidence Library and Key Documents part of www.mycongleton.co.uk 

The Congleton Neighbourhood Plan is being led by the Town Council, but has a number of working groups with a large number of talented and dedicated local residents involved. Throughout the process the team has worked closely with residents and local groups. 

Congleton Draft Local Plan Regulation 15 was consulted on at the end of 2017

The Draft Plan sets out a vision for Congleton that reflects the thoughts and feelings of local people who have  a real interest in the community in which they live and work. The Plan sets policies on key issues such as housing, employment, green space, transport and infrastructure issues. These will need to be developed further through a Delivery Plan.

Local people will have an opportunity to vote whether to accept or reject the plan at a referendum, which is expected to be later in 2019.